Fraud Prevention: Strategies for Bookkeepers to Safeguard Against APP Fraud

Date & Time
Friday, September 13, 2024, 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

In a time where fraudsters constantly evolve their tactics, financial professionals need to stay ahead. Join Telpay and their special guests from Deloitte and Yoti for this session designed to empower bookkeepers with the knowledge and tools necessary to combat fraud effectively in small to medium-sized business. Why Attend? Fraud is pervasive in the world we live in today, but with the strategies and knowledge, you can help safeguard you and your clients business. By attending this session, you will: · Gain Insight into Modern Fraud Tactics: Learn about the types of fraud such as phishing, engineering and business email compromise. Understand how fraudsters operate and adapt to challenges. · Enhance Ability to Identify Red Flags: Improve your skills in identifying activities. Detect risks before they lead to harm. · Strategies for Implementing Best Practices: Discover tools and approaches for preventing fraud. Utilize cutting-edge technology to strengthen your security measures. · Foster a Fraud Resistant Environment: Promote a culture within your company that's proactive against fraud through education and training initiatives. Empower your team members to be the line of defence against activities.

Meet Our Experts
Learn, from industry veterans who bring experience and knowledge;
* John Zajic, VP of Corporate Policy and Compliance, Telpay
* David Stewart, Partner | Financial Crime, Deloitte
* Leigh Day, Commercial Director, Yoti

Managing Business
Location Name
Room MR 9-10
Virtual Access
Live only
1.25 CPD units
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